Sunday, September 11, 2011

Eliza's Recipe Results

So, monkey muffins are SO GOOD! How can they not be good when the only ingredients are butter, sugar, cinnamon, bread dough, more butter sugar and cinnamon! Wow.

So I had leftover bread dough from this recipe when I made BBQ sandwiches yesterday. It made 7 monkey muffins which was perfect! I didn't have sweetened condensed milk, plus I don't really like soggy bread things, so instead of pouring that over the finished muffins, I melted some butter and brown sugar and poured that over the finished muffins. It was perfect! Definitely gave the muffins the traditional monkey bread taste.

The muffins were a bit drier than the original recipe probably would have been (Alexis did the sweetened condensed milk I think, so I'm excited to see how hers turned out!) but I really liked them! Definitely something I will make again.

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