Sunday, October 2, 2011

Failure--But some Resolutions!

Is conference great or what? I love hearing the inspired messages from the Lord's servants that help me make changes in my life to be a better person!

Cinnamon Roll Review
Oh dear, where to begin? I planned to make lovely Cinnabon knockoffs Friday night, then refrigerate and bake fresh the next morning! Then....I realized I had no yeast (at 10pm, which is when I start all my yeast-needing-one-hour-rising baking projects!) So I found this recipe for no-yeast-needing cinnamon rolls! I was excited. It was so simple- just regular dough, kneed a few times, and it called for enough butter and sugar to make anything delicious.

Except that I think I ruin everything. So somehow my cinnamon rolls did not look like those lovely ones in the pictures. Mine were scrawny little lopsided rolls. But hey, I thought, they will cook okay right! Not. Maybe it was the refrigerating overnight, but they didn't puff up in the oven at all! I did mine on a cookie sheet too, so they had tons of room to not expand. The cinnamon mixture in the middle leaked out everywhere on the pan and burned, and the rolls were like...biscuits? Not the nice fluffy kind, the (made by Eliza) kind that turn out flat and dry.

But, they did at least taste good. They were cinnamony, and the cream cheese frosting makes them super yummy! The cinnamon filling did get a little crunchy from the burning in the oven....but hey. I guess the taste is all I really care about in the end. Working on presentation of my dishes is one of my goals!

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