Monday, August 29, 2011

Welcome to The Recipe Club

Have you ever had a dream about food? Have you ever, while eating breakfast (your mouth full of scrambled eggs, pancakes, or the likes), begun contemplating what you plan to eat for your next meal? Have you ever gotten giddy when you've seen a gorgeous cake on a food blog? When each of these moments strike, do you promptly share them with someone close to you? Say your sister, mother, or friend? If you have answered yes to any (or all) of these questions, then you are a foodie. And you understand why this blog was created.

There exists two young ladies, sisters in fact, who fit this definition of foodie. During yet another boring day at work, these sisters were chatting on Gmail (an invention right up there with sliced bread) and noticed that every conversation they had included food. (Seriously, we checked out chat history.) Recipes tried and to-be-tried were inevitably mentioned, links to various food blogs were shared, and "oooh"s and "aaah"s and "i have to try that!" were exclaimed through the medium known as the Internet.

These sisters wanted to do something with their newly discovered obsession. And so, they decided to create this blog. The Recipe Club.

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