Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Mini-Cupcakes!

I might have been a bit ambitious with these halloween cupcakes. I wanted mini cupcakes for sure- because they are so darling and then I can give most of them away! But 60 mini was a little overwhelming. Plus I only have one mini cupcake pan so it was 5 batches in the oven! But I loved how they turned out. The pumpkins were my favorite- SO easy! The mummies were great too- I wish I had m&ms for the eyes, but I used chocolate chips. And last, the spiderwebs. I love the green...but I didn't have black and so my webs came out a weird grey/brown/icky color. Plus the green frosting got pretty hard before I did the spiderwebs, so they are kind of off looking. But overall, a fun experience, and delicious! Oh- did I mention I put zucchini in them? Healthy!...kind of. :)

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